Complete Facilitation Services

Every client is unique and has specific lifestyle investment goals. By carefully reviewing their needs and long-term investment strategy, we can create a 50/50 Co-ownership scenario that will achieve their family’s lifestyle goals for half the cost!

Thoughtful consideration of personal and family information allows us to introduce our clients to like-minded investors who will also benefit from their 50/50 Co-ownership experience for years to come. Personal information is held in the strictest confidence.

Matches are determined by key criteria. First is the recreational area of interest and any desired locations within that area. Next, specific seasonal usage requirements (summer only/winter only/multi-season use). Then family size, lifestyle requirements and budgets followed by any special concerns or considerations.

We are experts in co-ownership strategy. We provide everything needed to bring together well-matched, like-minded people who will benefit from their 50/50 Co-ownership investment for years to come. Efforts are synchronized with local real estate professionals to maximize exposure to the finest opportunities.

Our Comprehensive Co-Ownership, Management and Usage Agreements protect both Co-owners interests while providing convenient, hassle-free enjoyment of the property, including a cost-effective property management program to maintain and protect long-term asset value.

Ownermatch provides consulting services, education and guidance on all matters related to co-ownership of real and personal property, from client introductions through negotiation and structuring of mutually-beneficial co-ownership agreements to final execution and registration of Agreements.

Ownermatch services are provided on a fee for service basis and will be discussed in detail during an initial one hour consultation session provided to candidates free of charge (either in person or by telephone).

Wayne Wilkins
Ownermatch International

Ownermatch offers a simple value proposition that cuts the costs of owning a vacation home in half and opens the door for more families to invest wisely in a recreational property at their favorite resort.

Since 2004, I have been bringing together like-minded investors to “co-own” luxury lifestyle assets on a 50/50 basis. It is practical and cost-effective. Contact me to learn more about enjoying your vacation home for half the cost.